GW2 Announcing Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire


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Today we’re thrilled to tell you all about Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™, the second expansion for Guild Wars 2. Soon you’ll train mounts to help you explore in all-new ways, unlock nine new elite specializations to customize your playstyle, and discover the vast lands of the Crystal Desert and Elona. An epic chapter in the Guild Wars 2 story awaits you—hunt down the rogue god Balthazar and put a stop to his campaign against the Elder Dragons!
Where can I find more information?

For an overview of all of the expansion features—along with images, videos, and details—please visit the official Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire website.
For answers to frequently asked questions, visit the knowledge-base article.
If you missed the announcement livestream broadcast, check out the video below to learn all about Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire from Game Director Mike O’Brien and members of the ArenaNet development team:
When can I buy it?

You can pre-purchase the expansion right now to receive additional bonus items! When you pre-purchase any edition of Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, you can also add Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ during checkout and buy both expansions together for less than the combined individual expansion prices. To view all of the available editions and bonuses, please visit the official site.
When can I play?

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire will launch on 22 September 2017 at approximately 4:00 PM UTC (9:00 AM Pacific Time).
Stock up on sunscreen and sand-proof your armor, because a Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire PvE preview weekend experience is coming soon! Every Guild Wars 2 player with an account in good standing will be able to play a demo of the expansion from Friday, August 11 through Sunday, August 13. If you don’t have a Guild Wars 2 account, register here to play for free and gain access to the preview-weekend experience.
Subscribe to our newsletter for important announcements, and keep an eye on the official blog for upcoming feature week schedules!
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