GW2 Dragon’s Stand Hero Points and Strongboxes Guide


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Hero Points

Four of the Hero points requires successful meta event completion to unlock. The remaining three requires the meta to advanced to the appropriate Blighting Tower, which is the last step before the final fight in the meta chain. You only have 15 minutes after the event completes before it kicks you out of the map. I would recommend getting #7 first and then #4 and #5 unless there is a mesmer porting for #6. #1, #2 and #3 can be acquired next time.

1. Exalted Pylon Hero Point (Rooted Corpse)

This requires successful Mouth of Mordremoth event completion. Drop down on the hole just west of Northern Advance Camp waypoint and head west towards the door that now opens under the vista. Take the updraft and the bouncing mushrooms to get up top. Beware there are tons of mobs in this area. From the top area, drop down to the opening on your right. It is tricky to land but if you have Lean Gliding you can slow down your descent to reach it easier.
  • Mastery Requirement: Updraft, Bouncing Mushrom

2. Mushroom Grotto Hero Point (Central Barbed Gate)

This requires successful Mouth of Mordremoth event completion. Drop down on the trench like opening just south of Central Advance Camp waypoint past 2 updrafts and head west. There is a small hole that is normally blocked unless you completed the meta successfully. Inside is a bunch of mushroom mobs and a bouncing mushroom that will take you to the hero point.
  • Mastery Requirement: Bouncing Mushroom.

3. Spider Nest Hero Point (Exhumed Delve)

This requires successful Mouth of Mordremoth event completion. Head west from East Advance Camp waypoint and you will see a new ley line opening up after meta completion. You can ley line glide up the the hero point will be on top of a rock you can commune. If you don’t have ley line gliding, you can ask in map chat for a port from a mesmer with this mastery.
  • Mastery Requirement: Ley Line Giding (or find mesmer with port).

4. Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod (Northern Blighting Tower)

You can get this after the Blighting Tower fight (right before Mouth of Mordremoth fight) or after Mordremoth event competes. It is very easy to reach, just head north from the northern Dragon’s Domain waypoint and channel it.
  • Mastery Requirement: None

5. Blademaster Diarmid’s Pod (Central Blighting Tower)

You can get this after the Blighting Tower fight (right before Mouth of Mordremoth fight) or after Mordremoth event competes. It is very easy to reach, just head southeast from the central Dragon’s Domain waypoint and channel it.
  • Mastery Requirement: None

6. Axemaster Hareth’s Pod (Southern Blighting Tower)

You can get this after the Blighting Tower fight (right before Mouth of Mordremoth fight) or after Mordremoth event competes. It is very easy to reach, just head southeast from the southern Dragon’s Domain waypoint and channel it.
  • Mastery Requirement: None

7. Dragon Overlook

This requires successful Mouth of Mordremoth event completion and you will need Lean Techniques. Glide from the chest at end of the final fight but do not press down W. Pressing down W will eat up your gliding endurance faster so you just want to glide without the speed boost. Head to the location above that twisted vine and hug the invisible wall to your left until you arrive at the Hero Point.
  • Mastery Requirement: Lean Techniques

Mastery Strongboxes

Unlike the hero points, all the strongboxes can be obtained regardless of the meta event status so any map of Dragon’s Stand will do.
Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox

From Southern Forward Camp Waypoint, head northwest and you will see the strongbox just a bit up on the ground.
  • Mastery Requirement: None

Legacy of Owl Strongbox

From Southern Forward Camp Waypoint, head south through one of the bug tunnels. Take a left immediately once you see an opening on the left wall of the tunnel. Climb up the pipe like structure and you will find the strongbox.
  • Mastery Requirement: None

Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox

From Northern Forward Camp Waypoint, head northeast and follow the bendy path. The strongbox is inside a tent guarded by some mobs.
  • Mastery Requirement: None

Scorchrazor II Strongbox

From Central Advance Camp Waypoint, run south and around the bend. Your goal is to glide to the ledge. Updrafts/Bouncing Mushrooms may help but is not required.
  • Mastery Requirement: None

Dragonrender Strongbox

From Northern Advance Camp Waypoint, drop down on the hole nearby and run through the gap in one of the light structures in the NW area. Glide or run to the strongbox.
  • Mastery Requirement: None