GW2 Game Update Notes: May 22, 2018


Chain Lightning Master
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  • Incinerator
  • The Bifrost
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  • The Juggernaut
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  • Kraitkin
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  • The Binding of Ipos
  • The Shining Blade
  • Light Envoy Set
  • Ad Infinitum
  • Warbringer
  • Aurora
  • Conflux
05/22/2018—May 22 Release Notes

World Polish

  • Bloodtide Coast: The prisoner in the "Free an Order of Whispers agent from pirates" event now properly appears in his cage.
  • Crystal Desert: Fixed a bug in which hydra heads could appear in midair in areas with varied terrain heights.

  • Fixed an issue in which some creatures in Path of Fire™ maps became invulnerable and would not drop their targets and return to their original positions.
  • Updated the way some miniatures are sorted in the Hero panel so that they are grouped in a more orderly fashion.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the bronze, silver, and gold llama miniatures to display the wrong icon in the Hero panel.
  • The interaction range of sunken chests has been decreased, and players can now be interrupted when attempting to open them.

The Ruined City of Arah

  • Elite Orrian spiders no longer bite everything in a large radius around them.

  • Decreased the duration of invulnerability applied to unreachable creatures in fractals and dungeons.

Stronghold of the Faithful

  • Reduced the cooldown of the Intervention skill in the Xera encounter.
Personal Story

  • Night of Fires: Using a mount to skip past the first gate before Canach opens it will now correctly apply the achievement eligibility effects.

  • Superior Rune of the Dolyak: This rune will now report its 6-piece healing bonus in the combat log.
  • Giver's Mithril Imbued Inscription: Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of some krait weapons that have this inscription.
  • Shadow Shield: This item now uses the correct icon.
  • Swim-Speed Infusion +10: This item can now be put into storage.
Profession Skills


  • Glyph of Storms: Fixed a bug in which this skill required a full cooldown in situations where it should have required an interrupt cooldown.

  • Bandage Blast: Fixed a bug in which this skill displayed a much higher healing value than intended when combined with the Health Insurance trait.
  • Final Salvo: Fixed a bug that prevented scrappers from gaining stability when using a function gyro in an instanced PvP mode.
  • Takedown Round: Fixed a bug in which this trait fired at the engineer's location rather than the target's location when using Particle Accelerator.

  • "Feel My Wrath!": Fixed a bug the prevented the fury skill fact from displaying.
  • Healer's Retribution: Fixed a bug in which this trait granted retaliation when a heal skill was canceled.

  • Bountiful Disillusionment: The stability duration for this trait has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second in PvP and WvW.
  • Illusionary Defense: The damage reduction per stack this trait applies is now split between game modes and has been reduced from -5% per stack to -2% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Defender: The tooltip for this skill now shows the correct damage the skill inflicts in PvE. Its damage has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Disenchanter: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Phantasmal Warlock: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 50% in PvP and WvW.
  • Echo of Memory: Reduced the damage inflicted by the illusionary avenger by 50%.

  • Putrid Curse: Removed a tooltip that was displayed incorrectly.

  • Canine—Crippling Leap: Slightly increased this skill's travel range to ensure that it always travels to its intended range.
  • Canine—Brutal Charge (Soulbeast): Slightly increased this skill's travel range to ensure that it always travels its intended range.
  • Porcine—Brutal Charge (Soulbeast): Slightly increased this skill's travel range to ensure that it always travels its intended range.
  • Iboga—Consuming Bite: Reduced the base damage of this skill by 40%, and reduced its scaling damage per condition by 75%.

  • Roiling Mists: Fixed a bug in which this trait granted boons upon swapping legends.
  • Scorchrazor: Fixed a bug in which this skill gave an error when the revenant's target was correctly within range.
  • Rift of Pain: Fixed a bug in which protection was applied around the revenant rather than around the rift.

  • Silent Scope: This trait now works outside of combat. Stealth is applied at the end of a dodge roll instead of at the beginning. Added additional effects particles to show when stealth is applied.

  • Balanced Stance: Fixed a bug in which this skill granted bonus toughness from the Rousing Resilience trait, even when it was not breaking a stun.
Structured Player vs. Player

PvP Lobby

  • The free-for-all arena has been expanded.
  • Benches have been added around the map.
World vs. World


  • Players can now get a Grandmaster Mark Shard from the final bronze, silver, and gold skirmish chests. If a player collects 10 shards, they can trade them with the Skirmish Supervisor for grandmaster marks.

New Items and Promotions

  • A new Elonian Elementalist Outfit is available in the Style category of the Gem Store for 700 gems.
  • For a limited time, the Spooky Mounts Pack returns to the Style category of the Gem Store for 1,600 gems.
  • For a limited time, the Zodiac weapon skins and the Dominator weapon skins are available at a discount from Black Lion Weapons Specialists for 3 Black Lion Claim Tickets, available in Black Lion Chests. Keys are available in the Special category of the Gem Store for 125 gems each.