GW2 Path of Fire Crystal Oasis Mastery Insights Guide


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GW2 Path of Fire Mastery Insights guide for Crystal Oasis Map. This is a work in progress.
Crystal Oasis Insight: Amnoon Bazaar

This is a pretty easy Mastery Insight to reach, just use the stairs to get up on the roof of the building opposite to the Mastery Insight and then leap across.

Crystal Oasis Insight: Old Amnoon

For this mastery insight all you need to do is to take a swim.

Crystal Oasis Insight: Imed’s Grotto

The old method to get into here by relogging to character select has been fixed but there is a new way to get in. You are suppose to use a skimmer mount here but it can be done with only raptor mount. Go to the marked arrow location on the map and then use the raptor dismount boost to shoot yourself up the ledge. Swim towards the mastery insight and again use the raptor’s dismount boost to jump higher and higher to reach the mastery insight.

Crystal Oasis Insight: Sifuri Quicksand

The previous shorter method got patched but you can still access it via the longer gliding method. You will need advanced gliding for this.Go to the slanted pyramid north of the map and go follow the slanted path up. Use your raptor’s dismount function to get you up the little ledge on the left.

Once you make it past the slanted pyramid, keep going north, you want to reach the normal wall of the zone and then start gliding east towards the mastery point.