GW2 Roller Beetle Racing Achievements Guide


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Мембер GW2

There are 5 new Roller Beetle Racing tracks added with the Nov 27 Game Update. They are in Snowden Drifts, Diessa Plateau, Gendarran Fields, Mount Maelstrom, and Brisban Wildlands. They are essentially adventures and there are achievements for achieving silver/gold and completing each race 15 times.
  • Roller Racer: Getting silver in a race, rewards 10 Racing Medallion
  • Rolling Competitor: Complete 15 laps of a race, rewards 10 Racing Medallion.
  • Rolling Ace: Getting gold in a race, rewards 15 Racing Medallion.
  • Daily Rolling Racer: 3 races, 5 Racing Medallion per race with a bonus of 10 Racing Medallion for completing all 3 races. Which 3 races get picked is randomized each day. This daily achievement is only available for 1 month.
There is a NPC next to each race that will rent the Roller Beetle mount to you if you don’t have it yet. Or you can unlock it by following this guide. For the sweepstakes you just need to participate in a race each week.

There is a meta achievement Roller Racer for completing Roller Racer and Rolling Competitor achievements for all 5 maps.that rewards a regular Racing Scarf. Additionally, there is a Rolling Acemeta achievement for getting Rolling Ace achievements for all 5 maps that give a Golden Racing Scarf and the Rolling Ace title.

Racing Scarf (Left) and Golden Racing Scarf (Right)

Race Maps

Brisban Wildlands and Snowden Drifts are a bit harder compared to other maps (Brisban especially). It is recommended you do the other races first. There is also a training map in Kessex Hills.
Some tips
  • You don’t have to drift all the corners, sometimes you can simply slow down to make turning easy and then boost immediately after the turn (this means saving your boost for the sharp corners)
  • You can perform tricks in the air by holding down the jump button and releasing it before you land. This will help your replenish your endurance. You must have the Big Air mastery for this to work.
  • Bond of Vigor mastery from Crystal Champion can help slightly. In most races you will only get to use it once, maybe max twice.
Lakeside Loop – Gendarran Fields (Easy)

Ghostfire Run – Diessa Plateau (Medium Difficulty)

Infernal Leap – Mount Maelstrom

Jormag’s Fang – Snowden Drifts

Tropic Valley Raceway – Brisban Wildlands

Racing Medallion

Racing Medallion can be exchanged with the Race Prizes vendor next to the start of every Beetle race on all 5 maps.

Mini Roller Beetle, Racing Goggles, Racing Helmet, Endless Mystery Tonics, and Guild Decorations are some of the wares that can be exchanged with Racing Medallions.

Mini Roller Beetle

Racing Helmet

Racing Goggles